Other Publications

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Briefing Paper on Nonformal and Adult Education: Peace Corps Programs and Support
Frances G. Connell
Peace Corps, 1986



Marcia: A Book of Memories
By Frances Garrett Connell, ARS. 1996.
Available from A Reminiscence Sing (with permission from subject).


Selected Works of John Stephen Garrett, 1947-1996
 Edited by Frances G. Connell, ARS, 1996.

"Full of fury, rapt, inspired” is how his high school yearbook characterized John Garrett. A prolific writer and gifted wordsmith, only a small sample of his works remains and is captured in this rich book.


Dave's Journals: The Letters and Journals of David George Garrett
Edited by Frances G. Connell, ARS, 1997. 472 pp.

A deeply introspective individual who battled the demons of manic depression for his whole adult life, David’s journals and sketches show a bare soul ad its feisty deterination to understand pain in himself, and in the larger world.


An Oral History from Berlin 1945 and Other Lives
Edited by Frances G. Connell, ARS, 2007
(Available with permission from subject)

This oral history monograh is one of a series looking at the lives of survivors, from WWII to the adminstrative hallsways of the Interior Department in the 1960’s


The Banyan Tree, A Daughter's Story: The Medical Missionary Work of  Dr. James Riley Bailey and Anna M. Bailey, Naga Hills, Assam, India
By Eleanor Bailey Kemp. Edited by Frances G. Connell, ARS, 2000
(Available with permission from subject)

The fascinating memories of growing up in a remote region of Assam in the early 1900’s with missionary parents immersed in work with the Naga tribes.



A Rose for Leyla:  A Young Girl’s Dream to Become a Doctor 
A "Read Afghanistan" Series Book
Story by: Frances Connell 

Translated by: Suraya Sadeed and Fariduddin Farid 
Illustrated by:  Storai Stanekzai- student 
Rokhshana High School .  Kabul, Afghanistan 
‫موسسه کمک به اطفال افغانستان‬ 
Help the Afghan Children  www.htac.org  . Spring 2009


The Snow Leoard Dream.Written: In Collaboration with Students at Help the Afghan Children’s Rokhshana Girls School
Illustrated by: Buth Sonrin
Sponsored by HTAC and Wildlife Conservancy Society
Cultural and Technical Advisor, Frances Connell.
Available from :


The Authoring of Selves: Literacy and Its Indigenous Forms in a Traditional Afghan Village

Dissertation by Frances Garrett Connell, Columbia University 1982.

Available from 

University of Michigan Dissertations


Articles, Literary Magazine Publications, Conference Presentations,Manuals on Nonformal education

Poems and Articles

“We are Nature: Three Generations,”in 2022 Anthology: Writing Environmental Justice and “To the Afghan Taliban Brutes,” in 2022 Anthology: Writing Poetry and Justice. Riverside Writing Group, https://www.trcnyc.org/riversidewritinggroup/

“In Memory of the First People, Neglected Again,” About Place Journal, “Resistance and Resilience Issue”  (Black Earth Institute)  Fall 2020.   https://aboutplacejournal.org/
"Drinking Fountain (Houston, TX 1957), “Amber, "Excerpts from “Le Gare St-Lazare: After The Painting by Manet”Gray Sparrow, Sept. 2013 (St. Paul. MN).
"Poem After the Greek: Draft One." The Saranec Review, Summer 2012 (New York)
"Dark Soul," Rockhurst Review,Summer 2012 (Missouri)
"Drunken Squirrels," Pinyon Review, Spring 2012 (Colorado)
"On the River Qadi," Picayune Review, Spring 2012 (New Mexico) 
“Life is Short- Autobiography as Haiku,” Washington Post, October 15, 2006
“ISS-USA: A Sketch,” (with Bob Hellard). American Psychological Journal , Winter 2007.
“Ode to Sare-e-Pul,” Afghan Connections, Vol. 8. Issue 1, March 2001 (California).
“Sweet Dream,” Christian Science Monitor. January 12, 2001.
“My Father Visits His Sister in the Sanitarium,” 
“Brothers,” “Meeting Yeats in Galway,” WorldWright. July 2000 (Washington, DC)
“While We Watched “Taming of the Shrew,’” Chiron Review, Issue 63, Winter 2000 (Kansas).
“Brittany’s Menhirs,” The Baltimore Review, Winter 2000 (Maryland)
“A Letter for Loren Eisley,” Mimimus, Fall 1999 (Washington, DC)
“Poem in Which a Mystery is Alluded To,” Borderlands: Texas Review, Summer 1998 (Austin, Texas)
“Impressionists on the Seine,” The Potomac Review,” 1998 (Maryland)
“Dates,” Black Bear Review,” Winter 1997
“Upon Writing a Book of Memories,” A Wise Women’s Garden, October 1997 (Michigan)
“Owls, “ Brownstone Review, Vol 2, 1996. (Brooklyn, NY)
“Child Climbing.  Brenham Texas 1955,” Excalibrus 1996. (New York) 
“ Feeding a Kangeroo in Queensland,” Scenes of a Blue Green World, Golden Press Publications, July 1996, Vol. 2. No. 2 (Illinois).
“Women and Literacy : A China Presentation,” Newsletter of the Association for Applied Anthropology. December 1995.
“The Journal, “ in Elaine Clift, ed. But Do They Have Field Experience? OGN Publications 1993.
“A Wedding,” Piedmont Literary Review, Vol XII. No. IV, 1990 (Virginia)
“October 23, 1962,” The Weeping Willow; The Plowman Anthology (Ontario: 1990).
“A Brother Deinstitutionalized, 2”Lip Service, Fall 1989. Vol. 3. (Washington, DC)
“Return,” Perceptions, Issue 18, Spring 1989 (Montana)
“Teaching English to the Russians,” Ice River. Fall 1988, Vol. 4.3 (Oregon)
“Afghanistan’s Revolution, 1978,” Lake Effects, Vol. 3. no 3. Fall 1988 (New York).
“Tashkurghan, Afghanistan.” Pig Iron; A Third World Anthology. No. 15. (Youngstown, Ohio: 1988.)
“Thomas Francis,” “Japanese Landlady,” “English Teachers Past Musing,” Korone, Vol. 5, 1988. (Rockville, Illinois).
“End,” The Monocacy Valley Review, Winter 1987 (Frederick, MD)
“A Brother, Deinstitutionalized, 1” Negative Capability, Spring 1982 (Alabama).
“A Curse in a Country Lane,” Barnard Alumnae Magazine, Winter 1972.

Presentations and Academic Papers
“Invitation to Give and Serve: Sojourners Detention Visitation,” www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWO7iljQYJA (2020)

”Sacred Places,”  www.trcnyc.org>bsag-04-13/ (2019)

“A Manual for Developing Indigenous Literacy Materials for Village Women,“ United Nations Third World Conference on Women, September 1995 (Beijing)
“Unaccompanied Minors: Central America and the US.” International Social Service Regional Consultation on Children without Parental Protection; Children in Migration. March 2005. (Guatemala)
‘Help for Abused and Abandoned Children: Unaccompanied Minors” 12th World Conference of the International Society of Family Law, July 2005 (Utah).
“ Representing Immigrant Children in the US and US Children Abroad,“ 28th National Children’s Law Conference, National Association of Counsel for Children, August 2005 (California)
“ Options for Citizen and Non-Citizen Children Entering the US. “ 18th Asia Pacific Social Work Conference, September 2005 (Korea)
“One Child’s Journey to Legal Status: Help for Abused and Abandoned Alien Minors,” International Interdisciplinary Conference on Children’s Rights, May 2006 (Belgium)
"On the Crest of an Epidemic: HIV/AIDS Prevention, Education and Testing," Panel Facilitator, with staff of the ECDC African Community Center , Conference on The Future of African Refugees and Immigrants: A Time for New Thinking, May 2009, (Virginia).